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Supporting UK Policing: How Mark43’s Modern Technology Platform Meets Public Demand for Modernization 

In a world where technology is constantly changing how we live and work, it’s no surprise that police technology is also evolving. Mark43’s latest survey, conducted by Propeller Insights, sheds light on what UK residents think is important about the technology that their police forces use. Let’s dive into these insights and see how Mark43’s…

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Top 6 Trends Impacting U.S. Public Safety in 2023

2023 Trends Report

In the Mark43 2023 U.S. Public Safety Trends Report, we identified six trends that we believe will impact public safety this year. The report highlights the challenges facing public safety and provides key takeaways for how agencies can prepare for 2023 and beyond. In order to understand the six key insights every public safety leader…

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2023 Public Safety Trends Report

2023 Trends Report

The Top 6 Industry Trends in the U.S. for 2023 2022 was another year of change and challenges for public safety. Leaders in public safety need actionable insights to guide strategic initiatives and continue to serve their communities. Heading into the new year, we’ve identified six trends that will guide U.S. public safety organizations to…

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Transparency, Trust & Public Safety – How the Cloud Can Transform Use of Force Reporting

On May 25, 2022, two years after the murder of George Floyd, President Biden signed “a historic executive order (EO) to advance effective, accountable policing and criminal justice practices that will build public trust and strengthen public safety.” The EO stated mandatory monthly use of force data submission to the FBI. Within 180 days (Nov. 22, 2022),…

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