In a world where technology is constantly changing how we live and work, it’s no surprise that police technology is also evolving. Mark43’s latest survey, conducted by Propeller Insights, sheds light on what UK residents think is important about the technology that their police forces use. Let’s dive into these insights and see how Mark43’s cloud-native platform is poised to meet these needs.
1. Supporting the Most Vulnerable through Increased Community Presence
The residents of the UK have expressed a desire for more police presence. They want to see officers not just patrolling the streets, but engaging with the community, attending local events, and interacting with young people. With a national focus on trust and confidence, police forces keeping officers in the field is critical.
A majority of residents (86%) want more police presence in their communities, with 78% specifically supporting greater visibility for crime prevention. Moreover, 87% believe that opportunities for police to engage with young people through community sports and school programs could solve recruitment issues and build positive relationships.
Mark43 supports community policing by streamlining administrative tasks which allows officers to spend more time in the community. Instead of being bogged down by paperwork, they can take part in school programs and youth sport events, foster trust and build rapport with community members. Mark43’s platform saves officers time and allows them to be mobile, making it easier for police to be visible and active participants in community life.
2. Resilient and Secure Systems: A Public Priority
Imagine a stormy night in a small UK town. The electricity is out, and the streets are plunged into darkness. A resident faces an emergency and needs to contact some blue light service – but when she dials 999, all she hears is a busy signal. She’s struck by a sudden worry: what if the dispatch system is down from the storm?
This resident’s concern isn’t unique. In fact, 93% of UK residents share her desire for their local police force to have a backup emergency command and control [dispatch] system in case of outages. This overwhelming majority translates to 67% of those respondents feeling significantly safer knowing there’s a robust contingency plan in place.
This is where Mark43’s cloud-native technology comes into play. Unlike traditional systems, Mark43’s solution ensures that command centers can flex and adapt to surprise events like power outages. With the cloud as the platform’s backbone, dispatchers can be untethered from traditional phone lines and on-premises connections, giving them options to move locations with power or leverage backups and redundancy plans. This reliability is not just a feature; it’s a promise of safety and peace of mind.
3. The Importance of Real-Time Information
Consider a typical day for an officer in the UK who patrols the local neighborhood. He relies on software provided by his force to stay informed and responsive. However, with outdated technology, he often finds himself working with limited information which can impinge on his effectiveness, safety, and response times.
A significant 93% of residents showed a strong preference for their public safety agencies to use software that regularly updates officers with real- time data. This isn’t just about efficiency or keeping up with trendy technology; it’s about ensuring officer safety by having modern, predictable platforms that provide real-time situational awareness, seamless integration across platforms, and the ability to be untethered in the field.
Mark43’s real-time data capabilities address this need perfectly. With Mark43’s modern RMS (Records Management Systems) & CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) system, officers receive up-to-the-minute updates on reports and detailed information about ongoing incidents. Real-time situational data ensures that officers are always informed and ready to act swiftly, enhancing the overall safety and security of the community.
Mark43’s cloud-native platform is so much more than just modern technology; it’s setting new standards for efficiency and safety in policing. By ditching legacy systems in favor of real-time data sharing and increased visibility, Mark43 is transforming police operations around the world and transforming how police serve and protect our communities.
Learn more about how Mark43 is partnering with Cumbria Police to enhance community safety.