Use of Force Reporting

Critical transparency for public trust

Track, monitor, and understand use of force events.

On-duty police officer looking into distance with serious expression while talking into radio

Answer the Call for Increased Transparency

Mark43’s Use of Force Reporting is an intuitive data aggregation tool that allows agencies to effectively monitor and manage use of force events.

A Pivotal Tool For Public Safety

Integrate with Your Existing RMS
Mark43’s Use of Force reporting integrates with existing RMS solutions so agencies can manage cases for ongoing investigations and analytics.
Collect and Analyze Data
Easily collect and analyze Use of Force data with comprehensive dashboards for a consolidated view of reports, traffic stops, and more.
Capture All Digital Evidence
Mark43 integrates with all BWC so agencies can view digital evidence alongside relevant Use of Force reports.
Write & Review Reports Faster
Quickly generate comprehensive Use of Force reports, track them through a multi-level approval process, and use bulk submission to reduce reporting time.
Monitor Access and Monitor Usage
Grant specific user groups access to use of force reports and track activities with detailed audit logs for transparency.
Customize Reports to Fit Requirements
Tailor fields, codes, and validation rules to meet federal and municipal data collection needs.
Capture of all digital evidence interface for use of force reports.
Analytics dashboard showing use of force by demographics.
Booking information form with fields for arrest report, date, and start time.
Use of force report interface with linked records and status updates.
Event information form with fields for statistics and reporter details.
Edit label interface with report status and comments section.