White Papers

Transparency, Trust & Public Safety - How the Cloud Can Transform Use of Force Reporting

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On May 25, 2022, two years after the murder of George Floyd, President Biden signed “a historic executive order (EO) to advance effective, accountable policing and criminal justice practices that will build public trust and strengthen public safety.” The EO stated mandatory monthly use of force data submission to the FBI. Within 180 days (Nov. 22, 2022), all federal law enforcement agencies (LEAs) must collect and submit data required by the FBI’s National Use-of-Force Data Collection every month (EO, Sec. 6 (a)).

Mark43 Use of Force Reporting provides agencies with the ability to track, monitor, and raise the visibility of use of force events. Features include:

  • Built-in FBI compliance
  • Comprehensive and configurable reporting
  • Bulk download for easy, two-click submission
  • Role-based report access & tracking
  • Integration with Axon Evidence.com

Learn more about how Mark43 Use of Force Reporting can transform the way your agency submits use of force reports with modern, intuitive technology.