
Three questions with a (former) telecommunicator: Amy Moulton

Amy Moulton headshot

Her desire to serve led her to become a crime scene investigator before transitioning to a telecommunicator. Now retired from public safety, she’s still serving, this time as a Solutions Architect Manager. Meet Amy Moulton, a former telecommunicator now working at Mark43.

One in ten Mark43 employees are former law enforcement or public safety professionals. Collectively, they bring more than 400 years of specialized experience to the company, and we put that experience to work every day for our customers. In this series you’ll meet some of these exceptional Mark43 employees.

Starting out as a civilian crime scene investigator in Collier County (FL), Amy Moulton moved back to her home state of Maine where she became a telecommunicator for the Biddeford Police Department before moving once more to the Forsyth County (NC) Sheriff’s office, where she was eventually promoted to telecommunications supervisor. After a ten-year career in public safety, Amy transitioned to the private sector before joining the team at Mark43.

Why Mark43?

I had been in the private sector for about ten years, and Mark43 stood out because they were all about advancing the technology and helping the telecommunicators on a day-to-day basis. When I looked at the Mark43 software solution, I saw that it was easy to use, and it was geared toward the end user’s ability to get their job done quickly and efficiently. Also, as someone who went through regular CAD (computer-aided dispatch) downtime in my previous positions, there was the fact that Mark43 has that uninterrupted availability because they were in the AWS (Amazon Web Services) cloud. It was exciting to see that here was a company that gets it. They understood that there is a future to public safety software, and I wanted to be a part of that future.

Can you tell us about your role at Mark4?

I am a Solutions Architect Manager, and essentially what I do is I work with public safety agencies to help design a system within the Mark43 software platform that will best fit their needs. It involves a lot of close interaction with agencies before we even sell them a product, to determine what their business practices are and how Mark43 can fit into those practices or even improve them. When I first entered the private sector, I was surprised how many agencies based their processes on the limitations of their current software provider. A big part of what I do at Mark43 is think outside the box to help improve the business process within an agency. 

“I was surprised how many agencies based their processes on the limitations of their current software provider. A big part of what I do at Mark43 is think outside the box to help improve the business process within an agency.”    

What do you bring from your previous career to your job at Mark43?

The number one thing I bring is the passion to serve the public. I don’t have that direct service anymore but the service I can provide now is to help telecommunicators and officers provide the best service possible to their communities. From a very young age a sense of community was instilled in me. My mom was a teacher and my dad was a volunteer firefighter, and that sense of community continued to grow as I began my own public safety career.   

Bonus question: What is something that most people don’t know about being a telecommunicator?  

Depending on the agency, there is a high level of stress and you need to have the ability to compartmentalize. Sometimes it doesn’t even occur to you that you still haven’t processed that call you took three calls ago because you are just going through the motions so much. People may not realize there is a mental health aspect behind the job, and how important it is to take care of yourself. Even though we are not seen by everyone as being first responders, I see telecommunicators as first responders and I hope the country starts to see them that way and treat them accordingly. 

Mark43 is the leading cloud-native public safety technology company. Learn more about the Mark43 Public Safety Platform that includes Mark43 Alternate  CAD, a resilient, user-friendly cloud-native platform designed to serve as a backup to the agency’s primary CAD. For more information or to request a demo, visit