
Forbes: Dispelling Misconceptions About Law Enforcement And The Tools They Use

By: Matt Polega

Matt Polega is a cofounder and head of external affairs at Mark43, a leading cloud-based public safety software company.


You’ve probably watched news segments, documentaries, TV shows and films about the police. Some of them probably included dramatic and dangerous car chases, arrests and gunfire. Although dealing with violent crime is part of a police officer’s day, it typically is not how they spend most of their time.

For instance, according to this New York Times article, police officers spend about 4% of their time handling violent crime. Based on the focus on violent crime in news and entertainment media, that 4% may be lower than you guessed. Many people outside the profession don’t know how police officers spend their days.

Recent national surveys of American consumers revealed that Americans have misperceptions about law enforcement, including the daily activities of law enforcement professionals and the tools they use.

For example, about 39% of respondents to a survey we conducted believe that police officers are texting friends, reading personal emails and scrolling through social media when using their mobile phones. This is simply not true. Police officers use their phones for mission-critical communications, including receiving alerts and assignments from headquarters, communicating with supervisors and other officers and staff, and collecting information to support an investigation. Having technology accessible through their devices helps law enforcement professionals streamline reporting, spend more time in the field and not have to return to the station to do paperwork.

Misconceptions About Disaster Preparedness

You probably also watch TV shows depicting police with every technology at their fingertips to handle every imaginable situation. But in reality, police departments are not prepared to remain functional with extreme weather and other disruptive events, including hurricanes, floods, wildfires and power grid failures. These disasters are happening more frequently and are leading to system failures that stop police from delivering lifesaving help to their communities.

While 29% of Americans believe their local public safety agency is adequately prepared to handle the uptick in natural disasters, the vast majority of agencies are not.

However, leading public safety agencies that have cloud-native computer-aided dispatch and other essential cloud-native systems can continue to run lifesaving technology on mobile devices that can be accessed anywhere. For power outages, they have universal power supplies and other fixed and mobile battery backup systems. If office Wi-Fi is inaccessible, mobile hot spots can substitute, and public Wi-Fi networks may be available nearby through virtual private networks to protect information. Police need tools that can use the bounty of connectivity available to us every day.

With cloud-native dispatch systems and in extreme conditions, dispatchers could even work from home to diversify the locations supporting emergency dispatch operations and remove the single-point-of-failure risk of a sole dispatch facility failing.

Most cloud hosting service providers, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) GovGloud, automatically failover to another location if one location is compromised and automatically create data, application and system backups. Such widely available, cost-effective and easily maintainable modern innovations can reduce the risk of complete equipment and communication failures.

Misconceptions About Cybersecurity

When you see Hollywood portrayals of public safety, it may be easy to think that police have optimal cybersecurity.

However, the majority of first responders (82%) fear their organization’s data could fall victim to cybercrime. With cyberattacks on the rise and public safety agencies too often primary targets, the big-screen depiction of protective technology is not what it seems—and first responders think they are at risk. It’s more critical than ever that all agencies have the best available cybersecurity.

If correctly prioritized, it’s not difficult for any agency to have a sophisticated cybersecurity protocol, which can be developed with vendors if in-house experts are unavailable. However, it is difficult to implement the protocol if an agency is running on antiquated on-premises systems, which are more challenging and expensive to maintain and present a greater cybersecurity risk than cloud-native systems.

The cybersecurity advantages of cloud-native systems include automated updates, regulatory compliance and being hosted on security-focused behemoths such as AWS GovCloud that command vast cybersecurity resources. Implementing a cybersecurity protocol is best done with cloud-native systems and hosting providers that can easily map their services to agency security needs.

Misconceptions About Federal Security Standards

A survey conducted by Mark43 also revealed Americans think that policing is a centrally regulated, homogeneous entity. Seventy-three percent of Americans believe most public safety agencies are required to follow an overarching set of federal security standards, but in reality, it’s a patchwork quilt of thousands of law enforcement agencies operating independently.

State and local American law enforcement is practiced in various ways across the country. However, there are national and statewide cybersecurity and IT standards that agencies are adopting to protect their integrity and that of the community. These standards help agencies promote and share best practices with their peers.

The standout state and local agencies engage with technology partners that achieve certification for high security, availability, confidentiality, privacy and processing integrity standards, including StateRAMP (State Risk and Authorization Management Program) and SOC 2 (System and Organization Controls 2).

While state and local agencies will continue to operate and implement security independently from each other and federal agencies, federal agencies can engage only with technology vendors that have received FedRAMP (Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program) certification.

With more than 2,000 cyber breach incidents affecting the public sector every year since 2021, the stakes have never been higher. As more states decide to put security first and mandate that vendors have the premier security and IT protocols in place, Americans can be reassured that their local law enforcement agencies have the necessary tools to protect against these threats and crimes.

Policing isn’t what you see in the movies. Instead, it’s rife with invisible threats like cybercriminals and the weather. The industry is adopting mobile tools, cloud-native software and shared standards for security and best practices, but every agency operates independently.

Within a few years, I believe police will have technologies similar to those portrayed by Hollywood, and Americans may have a better understanding of how complicated a police officer’s day can be.

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