Mark43 RMS

Make more time for your mission.

Mark43 offers a comprehensive, cloud-native RMS that delivers the fast, reliable, and secure experience your agency deserves.

On-duty police office standing in street, pleased with his tablet's performance

Report in Record Time

First responders don’t choose to answer the call to serve because they want to do paperwork. Their drive is the mission to make their communities safer places to live, work, and raise families.

But 61% of first responders say that paperwork gets in the way. Less time to respond to calls and engage with the community means delays in service that jeopardize public safety and trust.

Police officer reporting an event into radio inside vehicle

The Modern Records Management System for Public Safety

Get Into The Field Faster
Mark43 RMS is easy to use, fast to deploy, and requires no extensive training. Agencies can achieve full adoption within just two to five weeks.

Easy Configuration

Regionalized Team

24×7 Support

Strong Partner Network

Spend Less Time Writing Reports
Mark43 RMS reduces arrest and offense report-writing time by 50-80% with the industry’s most intuitive design and dynamic reporting capabilities, ensuring accuracy, compliance, and proper routing every time.


Focused Navigation

Built-In Compliance

Active Error Detection

Close More Cases
Mark43 accelerates the assignment of resources and progression of investigations with smart automation and real-time updates, making it easier for investigative teams to capture, manage, track and close cases.

Dynamic Case Files

Flexible Tasking

Premade Templates

Full Audit History

Secure the Chain of Custody
Mark43 RMS provides a powerful, integrated hub for property and evidence management, purpose-built for officers collecting evidence on scene and evidence clerks performing inventory audits.

Direct Digital Access

Comprehensive Profiles

Automated Workflows

Full Audit History

An analytics dashboard displaying a information regarding events, reports and tasks assigned

Easy Configuration

Regionalized Team

24×7 Support

Strong Partner Network

Use of force report interface with linked records and status updates.


Focused Navigation

Built-In Compliance

Active Error Detection

Use of force report interface with linked records and status updates.

Dynamic Case Files

Flexible Tasking

Premade Templates

Full Audit History

Use of force report interface with linked records and status updates.

Direct Digital Access

Comprehensive Profiles

Automated Workflows

Full Audit History

“The report writing process is night and day compared to our old RMS system. Mark43 RMS has the checks and balances built into the report writing process to ensure our officers produce a clean report that gets properly routed and the officer back in the field that much quicker.”

Rich Slavin, Assistant Chief at the Scottsdale Police Department
Mark RMS Logo

Stay Compliant with Mark43

Mark43 RMS has natively built the NIBRS Technical Specification into its DNA to ensure you always comply with the highest federal and state standards.


Capture Data in

Mark43 Booking is your source of truth for the entire detainee lifecycle — from initial intake to release. Easily capture, manage, and access the data you need, whether in the office or on the go.

A booking form interface displaying fields for arrest report number, arrest date/time, and start date/time.
An analytics dashboard displaying a "Use of Force" subject demographic chart.

Use of Force Reporting

Promote Public Trust

Today, transparency is more important than ever when use-of-force events take place. Mark43’s Use of Force Reporting solution integrates into your existing RMS to easily track, monitor, and report uses of force for strong compliance and community relations.

Capabilities You Can Count On

Resources at the Ready

Learn how we improve the quality of life and public safety for communities worldwide.