
WFMJ-TV (Ohio): New technology will help Warren PD streamline report workflow

Warren PD is the first department in Ohio to partner with Mark 43, a company that promises the same results other departments around the country have seen.

By: Chris Cerenelli

“It’s actually a huge portion of policing that people don’t really appreciate,” says Matt Polega, co-founder of Mark 43, a company that works with police departments to streamline and upgrade their reporting technology.

You’d probably be surprised to learn how much time officers spend writing and logging reports. In a city like Warren that’s dealing with an uptick in violent crime, it’s time the police department can’t afford to lose.

“We’d been looking for about the last two to three years for a report management system that would meet the tech needs we currently have,” says Warren Police detective Mike Altiere. Needs that its current outdated, slow, and redundant tech couldn’t meet.

Enter Mark 43.

“Warren at the end of the day was saying ‘how can we make sure our officers spend more time in the field, less time doing paperwork…do the mission we signed up for?'” said Polega.

“Those forms can be integrated into Mark 43,” added Altiere. “A lot of the info that would have to come from the incident offense report that would have to go into that automatically transfers.”

Warren is the first department in Ohio to use this technology. It’s all cloud-based, so all the officer needs to use it is an internet connection. Detective Altiere expects it to be up and running early next year. The company promises warren the same results other departments have had.

“We’ve been able to reduce arrest reporting time by about 50 percent, we’ve been able to reduce offense reporting time by about 80 percent,” Altiere says. 

Precious minutes that warren’s officers will soon be able to spend making the city and its residents safer.

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